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A Note About the Site

It's strange coming back to web design after having to do none of it for over a year. I thought I'd sworn it off for good, but that's probably the thing about a useful skill; you never really stop needing it, you just put it on hold for periods of time.

I did the site design and the logo. The typography in the logo definitely needs some tweaking, but I needed to get something out there just so I had it to put up. We've got loads of very talented designer friends that I'm going to ask to volunteer some time, so you'll forgive us if the branding suddenly changes overnight. For now I have to be the "business guy" in this venture and I'm going to have to put my creative energies to use in ways I never imagined. This Wordpress theme can apparently support random images in the header and I think it would be cool to allow all ya all to submit header images for us to put into rotation. I need to find out a way to give a little text link for credit, though, below the header before we can start taking submissions. I grew up in Huntington Beach, CA, and I always thought it was cool how surfing companies, like Rusty, would do thousands of stylized versions of their logo. I know there's somewhere between 1 and 2 million fantabulously talented artists and designers out there, so if you find yourself so inclined, maybe start thinking about a header image that could pop up on the top of this page :)

Reader Comments (24)

Hey there, I know you're likely going to have hundreds of people ask you to design stuff for the site, but I'd just like to throw my hat in the ring, I've been following EGM/1up since the very beginning. If you think I could help with anything design let me know, money isn't important, it's getting this site up running and in the peoples conscious

check out some of my freelance gigposter work for some examples:


January 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJordan

Let me just say that, as a graphic designer, it is awesome to hear (read?) you acknowledging the design of the website. I'd be thrilled to design a header for the site. What are the dimensions?

January 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlex G

I'll probably try and whip something up in my freetime, but it'll likely be quite different than what you've got going on there.

January 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterD3stiny_Sm4sher

That would be great Alex! The header resolution is 900x260. Go nuts!

January 21, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterryan

even though you said you weren't taking submissions yet, i banged this out in photoshop... a little 5th dimensional art for area5


ugh, i just realized that myspace decided to resize my image. if you like it, i'll find somewhere else to host it, or just mail it.

p.s. i've not been vocal on 1up, eat-sleep-game, or anywhere, but i'm a really big fan. the 1up show was the only thing i went to 1up/gamevideos for consistently. sure i enjoyed alot of the content, but nothing else ever hooked me like the show did. so i'm glad you guys are continuing on, i'll be watching.

January 21, 2009 | Unregistered Commentervon_Lupe

NICE, von_lupe!

That's really awesome!

I have some assets from a project I finished up last month -- I'll squeeze some time in to put together a Mario-themed banner for you guys. I hope you'll like it.
(I'll probably make a couple different versions just to see which one ya'll like more).

I am really pumped about your new site, guys, and am really hopeful you can bang out a way to make a living off of this -- I want to get into this very business, too, so I sure hope it's possible even in this economic climate! :P

January 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterD3stiny_Sm4sher

Allright, I whipped together 3 alternate takes on the same basic idea.
I used assets from a Mario-themed project I made earlier, so it's fairly easy to manipulate the pieces.

Sorry if there's composition aspects you don't like -- please just let me know which one you'd like me to change and how.


January 22, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterD3stiny_Sm4sher

I'd recommend sticking to a more professional feel, less "videogamey" more high brow. Not necessarily talking down to the viewer, but something that says "gaming and news pertaining to gaming is as important to me as CNN", or so on and so forth. I think it needs to match the tone and style of the video content being produced, which is contrasty, beautifully cropped, and above all pays mind to excellent typography.

January 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJordan


I just whipped them up -- I was thinking the guys want some variety to swap through.
If they like one of them, awesome. If not, that's fine -- it's content designed for a completely different project.


January 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterD3stiny_Sm4sher

Wow! Thank you!
I always wanted to write in my site something like that. Can I take part of your post to my blog?
Of course, I will add backlink?

Regards, Timur I. Alhimenkov

January 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTimur I.

I actually really like the header you have going now.
The idea of randomly spawning headers is an even better idea tho
Here is my take, using your colour scheme.


January 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMacido

That one's pretty cool, too, Macido!

January 28, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterD3stiny_Sm4sher

Here's mine. I'm not sure if it's what you're looking for, but I thought I'd better give it a shot.


January 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlex

Hey guys - so glad to see you pop back up via this site. im gonna retweet the hell out your posts about the show-to ALL. im actually headed down to san fran in feb - would love to help out with the site (html, writing, anything).


January 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCarlos

Hey, I decided to give a logo/banner a go.
I went with something more simplistic. I have an individual file with the logo I created by itself, but for now i'll just post the banner. I have the original .PSD, and if you end up using it, i'd be more than glad to send it to you.
I loved the 1up show to death, so I made this as my slight contribution/thanks to all of you.
Here it is: http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b92/King_Link/AREA5bannercopy.jpg


February 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJake S

hey guys, I guess I'll just post back in this thread. Things have been hectic, but I finally got around to doing a banner! Here's my first go:


If you need anything else you can shoot me an e-mail at alex.griendling (at) gmail (dot) com

February 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlex G

Awesome! Thanks Alex! And yeah, your comment was just in the queue waiting for approval. I'm still trying to figure out the necessary code to give credit for the various headers people have sent, but it will happen! :)

February 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermatt

i know fuck all about php, but does this work?

the post really confused me, but this string jumped out...

shouldn't there be a way to display a random image, but display text asscociated with it, say on mouseover...?

i really don't get php though so...

you could always have the random image link to a gallery of all possible headers with credits.

<img src="/path/to/my/theme/img/headers/.jpg"
height="260" width="900" alt="NSLog(); Header Image" />

does that help at all? ugh this is way out of my league

February 3, 2009 | Unregistered Commentervon_Lupe

I went with something more simplistic.

February 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterweb design

This looks so cool for sure.

February 4, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterweb design

Maybe a solution for the credit line could be on the designer's side? Something like implementing a standard line everyone could put on their design before giving it to you guys.

Ex: Everyone who designs a banner needs to put "Designed by (Insert name)" in Helvetica Roman 10pt, approx. a quarter inch from both the bottom and right side.

Of course, code is always a better option, but that's one alternative. Good luck with that coding :)

February 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlex G

I'm sorry for posting so many times, but upon uploading the logo I created to deviantART and someone said the "A" and "E" looked like an "R". I changed the spacing on the letters, as well as combined both banners in to one that I feel is the best of both. Anyway, here it is:


February 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJake Skuzinski

Needs more favicon! I took a screenshot of the "5" and turned it into an icon in case you want to grab it. Just unzip it and upload into the top level of your site, I think.


February 11, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterheavyboots

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