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We're at PAX!! Come see us. Buy our shirts! Come to our panel! Hang out at bars! Collect our cards!

Turns out there’s an emergency, super-last-minute panel going on that the AREA 5 team has been invited to! It’s a giant, ex-1UP love-and-get-drunk-a-thon thrown by none other than the super-mega-hyper-awesome Kathleen Sanders. Pretty much anybody that you knew and loved from all the 1UP podcasts (1UP Yours, Four Guys 1UP, GFW, etc.etc.), The 1UP show, and so forth are going to be in attendance.

Be here from 2:00-3:30: The Pegasus theater at The Sheraton in downtown Seattle. If you’re at PAX, it’s right across from the convention center:

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We ordered some T-Shirts and had them shipped to our hotel. They’re supposed to arrive today, but no guarantees as to when. If you see us, ask us about them and hopefully we’ll have some to sell. Yes, sell. Sorry that we can’t just give them away, but we’re trying to raise money for new projects. They’ll be a flat $20 each since we won’t really have the ability to make change on the spot. Super underground, super indie, super limited-edish. As in we have just over 100 of them and when they’re gone they’re not going to be made again.

Speaking of limited, find us and collect all of our business cards! If you can get one from each member of AREA 5, then just like Voltron you can make a MEGACARD that form our sweet-ass logo. Of course as soon as AREA 5 has 6 people instead of the five that we do now, we’ll never be able to do this again so we’ve only printed a limited run of these cards for PAX. Not the most awesome give-away ever, but we like games so we thought it might be fun to make our cards a sort of game. A lame game, but a game all the same. Here’s what it looks like:

Finally, we’er gonna be at a few places hanging out after the show floor closes tonight and tomorrow. Tonight, come hang with us at The Blarney Stone from 7:30pm until about 8:30 or 9:00. We didn’t reserve a room or pay for an open bar or anything, this is just where we’re gonna be and we’d love it if you could come hang with us! Here’s where it be at:

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Finally, Saturday night we’re going to be hanging out at the SEGA party at the Gameworks across the street from the convention center. The doors open to the public at 8:00pm and there are going to be, like, five megatons of people there so it might be hard to find us in the melange of peeps, but we’ll probably be near a bar ;p.

If we don’t see you at PAX, have boatloads of fun this weekend and just email us or comment in this thread and tell us what you loved most about the show. I’m sure we’ll have all kinds of insane stories to tell ourselves. Most of them will probably involve a sentance like this: “Dude, Jason was so drunk that…”

Oh, and we have a new website.

Reader Comments (4)

What do the shirts look like?

September 3, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterherpmcderpson

They're the CO-OP logo with an AREA 5 logo underneath on an American Apparel "Grass" colored shirt.

September 3, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMatt Chandronait

I wish I could fly to seattle and see Pax and Area5!
If only.....
The pictures at 1up.com pretty much sum up what's going on at the reunion panel.
I need to hear your crazy stories and I really want those business cards!!!!

Any chance of selling the shirts outside of Pax? Hey you can trust me; I've already bought one of your shirts about six months ago...

Last but certainly not least; can there be a short 15 minute edited-segment every week where the Area5 team just talks about games around a roundtable?

You could call it; CO-OP CO-circle

Hey guys it was nice to see you at PAX.. It was especially nice to get my ass handed to me in Soul Calibur at GameWorks by Jason. I had all of you guys right there and spaced on getting cards or trying to buy a shirt. The very next morning I see Anthony wearing one. FML. Well it was nice meeting you guys; I think you do great work and im loving the redesign. Keep it up guys!

September 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWill

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