
CO-OP 0214 -- S.F.C.U.

CO-OP 0214
It’s not uncommon for conventions to lead to epidemic levels of illness-spreading. This year, the “PAX Pox” took on a sinister tone. Didn’t stop us from enjoying HALO 3: ODST and rockin’ out with the most-excellent Beatles Rock Band after we got home. At PAX we got to see all 10 games from XNA’s Dream Build Play contest: Dust, Kaleidoscope, Max Balstronaut, Hurricane X2, Sol Survivor (which can be bought here), Hot Potato Online (which can be bought here), and Rotorscope. Guests: Anthony Gallegos, Kathleen Sanders, Dan “Shoe” Hsu, Raychul Moore, Justin Haywald, and Jade Kraus.

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