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As you might have read previously, AREA 5 was lucky enough to be invited to Capcom’s annual gaming soiree, Captivate 2010. We spent three beautiful days basking in the warm glow of LCD illumination… and that Sun thing.

As expected, we fought on the street, planets were lost, and the dead rose again. But some of the most genuinely surprising news to come out of the event, was Capcom’s decision to bring a couple of DS titles stateside: Ghost Trick and Okamiden.

Ghost Trick, the latest game from the Ace Attorney development team puts you in the shoes of Sissel, a recently deceased dude with a score to settle and the power to possess inanimate objects. He decides to change the fate of several endangered individuals, while uncovering the mystery of his death, one puzzle at a time. It’s kind of like “Ghost” meets “Final Destination,” if it were animated in Japan.

Still don’t get it? Don’t worry, just check out our thoughts on Ghost Trick below:

Be sure to check back early next week to see what we thought of Okamiden, Dead Rising 2, and watch our interview with Keiji Inafune.

Reader Comments (7)

wow the art and the game concept blow my mind. im getting that urge i get to buy a game even if it's going to be terrible, just to support developers' experimentation and whatnot...or just their commitment to making pretty things. i felt that way about odin sphere on the ps2....which i ultimately ended up hating and trading away on goozex. i hope that doesnt happen again XD

April 23, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterjeremy

Whoa, Ghost Trick is so colourful. I was expecting something all grey and washed out.

April 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHelen C

From 2:11 to 2:15 you can see a dude in white pull some Michael Jackson moves

This game is definitely going to make fun of the U.S. as much as possible.....

@Matt When does the game come out?

This game looks very cool. I love the animation.

I'm glad to see you guys still creating compelling content. Keep up the great work!

April 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSpencerC

@Sneaky Easter Eggs from Novato

Capcom says "Winter 2010," so we'll just have to wait and see... I know I'll be looking forward to it :D

April 25, 2010 | Registered Commentercesar quintero

Is there a RSS-feed for you new shows? And why couldnt this have been Co-op?

April 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterWehooo

@bro - ya brah

interestin vid, lookin forward to it

April 29, 2010 | Unregistered Commentertrent

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