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CO-OP 0106 -- How Jason Got His Groove Back -- Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Henry Hatsworth, and Love

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It's kinda cool how ever show of CO-OP seems to have a theme that carries across the games we cover. Or maybe I just like to make oranges out of apples. That isn't a slight to apples, mind you; I like apples just fine. In this episode, I think there's definitely a "you might have overlooked this" theme. I realize we've touched on that in past episodes, but with games like Motorstorm: Pacific Rift and Henry Hatsworth, it's entirely likely that you may pass over them entirely and we're hoping to do our small part to encourage you not to! Have you heard of the game Love? It's a star this week, but more after the show:

Eskil Steenberg is the sole developer of the game Love. Named after, no doubt, being "a labour of" as the effort that's gone into this project must simply be enormous. The plan for love is for it to be a 200-player, persistent world in which the players battle AI forces. The AI will create, defend, and modify it's cities in real time which the players will have the ability to attack and steal from. Players will have the ability, as well, to modify the game world and create cities of their own by raising and lowering landscape, carving tunnels and buildings, building defenses and powers sources, and so on and so on. It's ambitious even for a large team, but the fact that this is a one-man project is even more incredible. To top it off, Eskil didn't buy or hack any 3D packages to make his game world, he wrote his own. In the show you'll get a glimpse at the tools and a good, long, in-depth view of the game world and how it will function.

Of course that doesn't preclude the incredible outcome that can be achieved with a dedicated team delivering the latest and greatest in heart-stopping visuals. Motorstorm: Pacific Rift fits that bill and then sucker-punches you with a visceral racing experience that is just so damn good we felt it was worth bringing up just in case you missed it in the holiday crush of last year. Ryan, JayFresh, and Matt relive their previous week's harrowing journeys over the rivers and through the volcanoes.

In a deceptively simple stroke of genre-bending, Henry Hatsworth is likely to tickle that retro-loving vibe in all old-school gamers as well as remind them of a fundamental fact: old-school games are hard! Still, John Davison, Tiff Chow, and Patrick Klepek were kind enough to come by and share their Hatsworth-y experiences with Ryan and make the case as to why this one shouldn't be missed.

Difficulty, though, doesn't seem to be something Jason has all that much patience with and he's forced to make a deal with the devil (in this case, Cesar) in order to progress onward with Rhythm Heaven on his DS.

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Reader Comments (37)

Wow, Love looked incredible. The visual style felt very original and dreamlike, which I always like a lot. I like it anytime you guys find cool games like this that people might not know about to mix in with the mainstream games.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercatch

Holy crap, I just saw the episode, and Love looks amazing.
It just blew my mind.

i'm actually so amazed, like seriously, wow.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPhil

Aw man, I'm so excited that you talked to Eskil in this episode. I've been following the development for a couple years now, and this man is a genius. I believe they also had him on one of the Listen UP GDC casts.
The things this guy has done are amazing. Not only is the game beautiful, but the tools he created to make it are just as aesthetically pleasing. His modeling program, Loq Ariou is a great example of this. If you've ever used anything like Blender, you know there are many different modes to go into, and buttons and stuff all over the place. His tools are very context driven (using right-click), and make heavy use of radial and other circular types of menus.
The game itself is looking great, but the technology that he is pushing forward is even more fantastic. You should take a look at the Verse tech he has pioneered, and his contributions to simplifying the development pipeline using CO ON and other tools/libraries he has created.

I could go on about this guy forever.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterWormdundee

I noticed you can't hear any of the game music in the Motorstorm segment. Just curious - was it a stylistic choice or was it done to avoid potential copyright infringement arguments as all the music in the game is licensed?

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Maxwell

@John Maxwell ... nah, we just cut out the music so it was easier to edit over. We realized when it was too late that we didn't actually use any of the music from the game in the piece. Oops! So yeah, small mistake there :) ... we're generally okay under fair use to cover the game with the music included, even if it's licensed.

@wormdundee ... yeah mean, watching his tools in action is incredible! I can't believe all the work he's put into this project. Just amazing. I hope someone decides to drive a dumptruck full of money up to his door and dump it at his feet.

April 14, 2009 | Registered Commentermatt chandronait

Okay cool! I was just wondering how that works out! :)

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Maxwell

Great to see another ep out so soon, it's like video crack ;)

As always, I've pushed a few people your way from my neck of the woods.

Keep up the awesome work :)

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSonic Alpha

The game 'love' looks awesome, it would be really interesting to have a PVP version, but the PVE version looks bloody fantastic.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan Baker

now i'm hungry for a burrito

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShinAkumA21

Great show once again fellows. I really dig that instead of talking about "whats hot" you guys just talk about what you're enjoying.

Also dumb complaint, but NO MORE THIN PINSTRIPEY SHIRTS PLEASE! Tiff's shirt was buggin my eyes out O_O

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChurchy

"A favor..."

I lol'd

Keep up the good work.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSky D

Thanks guys. I was really interested in both Lave and Henry Hatsworth. What is your most prefered way that we watch the show? That is, how can I watch the show that is most beneficial to you? Also, outside of digging and commenting, is there any other way of supporting CO-OP?

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRobert H.

Love is amazing. That guy is going to be a legend of the video game industry. The gameplay shootage reminds me a little of the base building parts in Giants Citizen Kabuto. I wonder if that was an inspiration at all. Can't wait to play that game. Hopefully the success of Love will give Eskil Steenberg the means to set up his own independent studio.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterArgentR

Does Jason actually suck at videogames, or do you just like to make fun of him?

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAJ Jenkins

Amazing episode guys.

Love is incredible. I'm awestruck at the amount of work he has put into that. Does he have any idea when we'll be able to get our hands on it?

A faaaavoooorrrr... Instant classic!

Matt - I really enjoyed hearing a little bit more about how you ended up where you are today and how things work with Revision3 in your interview with Marie. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help promote the show. Always looking to spread the good word for you guys so more people can see the awesome work you are doing.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercmungs

Great Ep guys.

Very professional and entertaining. The perfect combo.

But what was the deal with blacking out the old lady's eyes, and then as soon as somebody walks through, the bar dissapears for a moment. You can totally see her. I understand why you'd want to black her out, privacy/permissions and all, but there are more than a few frames where you can see her clearly. It just seemed like you went through the effort to black her out, and then you totally botched the point of it.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTodd

Great Show, as always, but I felt that the sitting arrangement during the Motorstorm segement wasn't conducive to discussion. Other than that, great show.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOky

I thought the episode title was Bonertown.


April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEric

That moment of Jason sitting by the woman, exclaiming his frustration over the DS game totally evoked Mr. Bean to me.

Great show, keep it up.

April 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBob Loblaw

lol. the ending was hilarious.

April 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterovercyn

@John Maxwell and Matt: Actually, when Fresh and I were capturing the Motorstorm footage, I asked him to do it without the music so that he could easily transition in and out of scenes using our production music. In addition, I usually play the game without music because I really like the sound design in the game; I love the way the music presented in the game and the number of options in there to give you a ton of control over how you hear it. But sometimes, I just wanna hear the vehicles, the earth, and the cool effects.

April 15, 2009 | Registered Commenterryan o'donnell

@Todd Whoops, our bad. :P In the future, we hope we won't have to do that anymore. We've got a stack of release forms now; if we had had that lady sign one, then we could've shown her face. We like filming in the city, so we're gonna carry them around with us when we shoot in case we really need a person's real reaction like we did at the end of that segment.

April 15, 2009 | Registered Commenterryan o'donnell

The best way to promote the show is tell your friends. As far as our download numbers go, downloading it straight from any of the links, watching it Revision3's player or downloading it from iTunes are all pretty much the same. Watching it in YouTube is probably the least-effective way since the numbers there are counted differently, but it all helps in the end! Also, we get paid by throughput, meaning that each time someone uses the promo codes in our ads we get paid a little bit more. I wouldn't do that though unless you're genuinely in need of a website or a Netflix account... next week we'll have an ad for GameFly, so if you've been thinking of trying it out, wait until next week ;)

I did ask if the promo codes can be used by people who already have accounts, but the answer is no, unfortunately.

April 15, 2009 | Registered Commentermatt chandronait


Bonertown was a working title for the episode, here's a screen shot of the title screen so you believe me.


We later changed the title, because I am a big Angela Bassett fan and recently watch "How Stella Got Her Groove Back" again for the twentieth time.

Angela Bassetts character Stella Payne was a huge inspiration for me in playing my roll in this weeks narrative. The character Stella, a hardworking, successful female, stock broker and how she struggles between work and love. I was going through the same thing with my love for Rhythm Heaven and trying to get my work done at Area 5. I feel like my struggle comes through in the scene where I am sitting next to the women on the train station. You see the frustration in my face and in my body movement just like Stella.

April 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjasonbertrand

Another good way to help us out is to keep doing what you're doing! We want to build out our community and talk to as many of you as we can one-on-one. So please, keep coming here to comment on the episodes. Visit us at our Revision3 boards. And keep up with us on Twitter:

Ryan O'Donnell
Matt Chandronait
Cesar Quintero
Rob Bowen
Jason Bertrand
Jay Fresh

April 15, 2009 | Registered Commenterryan o'donnell

AJ Jenkins

I have it the worst, they like to make fun of me and I suck at videogames :-(

April 15, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjasonbertrand

oh my I LOVE "LOVE" :) .. it's so new so fresh so radical and I really loved this episode.. especially the background music
You rock!! You all rock a lot! Thank you

April 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMosqito

If you guys ever start selling Co-Op merchandise, I want a shirt with the bonertown episode titles

April 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEric

Wicked show, but my ps3 considered the mp4 version corrupted :'(
This episode will have to reside on the comp instead of the big screen

April 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMethod

Okay the only reason I figure you're not pouring those delicious beers into a glass to get the full flavour is you're hoping they'll sponsor you, but you get get Leffe glasses.

April 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

Another awsome show!

I especially loved the MotorStorm: Pacific Rift talk. My brother has the game, but I've always been more of a Burnout: Paradise man, so I never picked it up. After watching this episode, I borrowed his copy and had a good half-hour of fun ranking up! I hope to keep it going for a bit and get my fill!

Keep up the great work guys!

April 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGDW

I have a request. I don't have a lot of time to watch the show while I'm online, so I get it through iTunes.

Would you be able to fix the link for this episode (the HD Quicktime version) so that I could get it on iTunes?
I'm sure it's an awesome episode (as always), so I'll spare myself coming back here to say it again. :-D

April 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDeadpoolSkye

Praise the lord!

Motorstorm: Pacific Rift is a solid chunk of pure awesome, it's GREAT to see it get the CO-OP treatment. I thought I was alone in my wild-eyed praise about it. It's spectacular and immensely satisfying, beautifully crafted and expertly balanced... and it's time people knew it! For my money, it's the true successor to Super Mario Kart for the SNES (with a healthy dose of BBC's Planet Earth and an injection of Primal Scream), and it's for everyone who loves videogames that kick ass.

I wonder, maybe ol' Phil Fish saw this before GDC?
> > > http://www.superbrothers.ca/the1console_the1collection.html

Anyways, great footage, great episode. But no Monster Trucks vs Bikes action (it's like Shadow of Colossus on wheels!)? No ATV boxing matches? No hilarious ragdoll wipe-outs? No kamikaze blow-ups? There's only so much time of course, but damn Motorstorm could use its own show. And really, the experience gets 200% better once you have a crowd of people with good senses of humor to roll with online.

On that note, to all the lunatics out there: you're cordially invited to the spring festival of The Motorstorm Syndicate, three Mondays in May from 9pm until 10pm EST, hosted by superbrothers. If you join, you'll be racing alongside some of Toronto's finest videogame creators (and perhaps a few special guests). Here's some info on The 1 Console at superbrothers.ca:
> > > http://www.superbrothers.ca/motorstorm.html

April 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersuperbrothers

You guys are awesome. I'm glad I found you again. CO-OP is every bit as awesome as the 1UP Show was and it's even more "real" like an acoustic live track.
Love looks really sweet and super ambitious. How can get on a server with you guys when it comes out?
You guys are living the dream as far as I'm concerned. I'd kill to do a show covering gaming news. If I (or anyone) starting a gaming related podcast and asked you to watch an episode of it would you be willing to give feedback on it?

This post is a little scattered but it's my first one and I'm a bit nervous. I love the show keep up the good work.

April 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDevo

Please tell what music have you used for LOVE part? It fits nicely and I'd like to get it to play LOVE by.

June 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlotos

Don't you understand that it's the best time to get the business loans, which would make you dreams real.

April 7, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterShirleyKEITH

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