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It feels silly to admit, but despite the dozens of games I should be playing right now, I can't seem to stop noodling with the DSi's photo tool, something I originally deemed 'throw-away' when looking at the list of DSi hardware updates.

It's not even that the DSi takes particularly great photos. It's VGA resolution and weak low light performance barely stack up against most cellphones, but the pack-in photo editing tools more than make up for the cameras sub-par performance.

Part Photoshop, part Kid-Pix, part Kai's Power Goo, the photo tools make it quick and easy to render your photos cell-shaded, or see what it would be like if 2 of your friends mated, and DSi's stylus makes image editing feel super organic.

gaze upon the source of my procrastination:


Reader Comments (13)

You know what's most fun on DSi?
Watching Co-Op on it.
It would be awesome if you guys offered .dpg versions on the site too so I wouldn't have to convert them each time to MoonShell (standard DSi Homebrew video player).

April 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGunsakimbo

I'll make that easier with a CLICKABLE link. C'mon Squarespace... autoconvert url!!

April 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGunsakimbo

Awesome sauce. The one at the bottom that's been drawn and colored over is my favorite. This set is definitely an inspiration for my feeble collection. Gotta step up with mine!

Oh, and also, I totally hart that you just mentioned Kid Pix. That was my bread and butter drawing tool when I was growing up!

April 16, 2009 | Unregistered Commenter.tiff

Is this an invitation to send in our own DSi pics?

April 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAJ Jenkins

How did you guys manage to get the awesome cell shaded drawn effect? Did you just simply go over all the photos with graffiti or something..?

April 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLucifon

Hell yes we want to see your DSi pics! throw them up and we'll round them all up in a post.

And as for the cell shaded pictures, yeah, all it took was some graffiti-ing over the originals. you can actually sample colors from the picture, so I picked 4 or 5, stuck them in the corner as a swatch, and went to town. super fun!

April 16, 2009 | Registered Commentercesar quintero

Jason looks like some kind of demon troll giving me the finger. I fear for my life.

April 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSpikeDelight

@SpikeDelight WRT "Jason looks like some kind of demon troll giving me the finger. I fear for my life."

That's funny. Somebody here mentioned that he looked like Hank's dad from "King of the Hill" in the retraced version; we couldn't stop laughing.

April 16, 2009 | Registered Commenterryan o'donnell

Why does the cell shading app keep giving Jason a mustache?

April 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCynic

Hey that cel-shading looks really cool. Is it hard to do that on the dsi? I don't think i could pull that off, I have no artistic ability.

April 17, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterterrible turnip

duuuude? is ryan wearing a johnny cupcakes shirt in one of those pictures? i believe the make cupcakes not war one? :D
or am i just stupid?

April 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDarrylwreckxx

Your picture looks great. The graphics and effects are awesome. I can see why you've been spending time with the camera tools instead of playing games. I had to try this for myself.

David Sparks

Gaming Community

June 22, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDavid Sparks

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