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CO-OP 0202 -- Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, Uncharted 2 MP Beta, Star Defense -- Jason's Day Off

Inspired by Ryan and Cesar’s return from France—they were out on a contract gig—carrying a modern incarnation of the plague (I’m trying to stave it off, currently, via OJ and Zinc), Jason decides to take a day off to do that which he does best. It defies description, really, so you’ll just have to watch—not much of a come-on, to be sure, but I’m trying not to be sick and thus written creativity escapes me at the moment. More after the show:

Most action movie genres have seen more than their fair share of gaming allusions. The western, historically, has been sadly underreprented. The powers that be (also known as “game developers”) seem to be rectifying that this year and the first of the breed to make its way into our yearning grip is Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood. Boasting beauty as well as grit, it’s a trek that JayFresh and I loved while Cesar held up as an example of a direction to go in gaming if not really a paragon example.

It’s small wonder that in anticipation of the full game’s release, Greg Ford, Tyler Barber, and JayFresh were eager to jump into the multiplayer beta for Uncharted 2. It seemed a pleasant surprise all around.

As mentioned above, Ryan was one of the unfortunate ones to contract the Plague while in France and is still down for the count. Still, at least he has his iPhone and the opportunities it affords, not the least of which is the most-excellent Star Defense. It may seem a small wonder that there’s yet another tower defense game on the iPhone, but this one offers unique twists that make it more than worth your while.

Reader Comments (25)

I find it hard to believe that people still shamelessly refer to aboriginals (or indigenous peoples etc.) as indians, especially when "indians" doesn't even designate the people that you are trying to refer to (if you are unaware, it actually refers to people from India). Perhaps the height of ignorance is then airing such indiscretions publicly.

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteregads

Egads is a retard

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterindianredman

I'm a Native American and I could care less if you called me an Indian. Hell, you could call me a filthy scalp stealing savage and that would not bother me. Truth is that we Apaches will kill and eat your horses if given the chance. Your golden sunkissed hair, white women are not safe from our copper skinned warriors. Nevermind the green menace mention on a certain other podcast. Beware the red man. We are fueled by blood of our enemies... and budwiser.

P.S. I need foodstamps.

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAdrian Sekaquaptewa

What's up guys? No love for Ghostbusters?

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterToodles

And all the posts above are retarded, except mine :)

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterToodles

That was actually something I thought about while editing the chat. We called them "Indians" because that's what they were called in-game. That's not exactly a clean excuse for being non-PC, but there ya have it.

June 30, 2009 | Registered Commentermatt chandronait

I look incredibly gross and sick in this episode. Great... :(

I feel better now so next week I should appear to be fully human.

June 30, 2009 | Registered Commenterryan o'donnell

Ball shot. Ball shot. Ball shot. FTW.

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAJ Jenkins

I mean, it has nothing to do with being PC, it has to do with being racist. Calling a Muslim a towelhead is clearly not PC, but that seems to be the least worrisome problem with the statement. The reason aboriginals were called indians is because racist, white colonialists looking to plunder foreign lands cared so little about who they killed on their quest for treasure that they didnt bother to recognize the obvious differences between (actual) Indian culture and North American aboriginal culture (though, technically, there is no such thing as a monolithic "aboriginal culture". Different aboriginal groups were as dissimilar from each other as are certain nations in the same continent.).

I wonder if the same excuse you used for calling aboriginals "indians" would fly for other racist indiscretions. Does "We called them "towelheads" because that's what they were called in-game. That's not exactly a clean excuse for being non-PC, but there ya have it" sound like a good excuse to you?

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteregads

While Indian certainly isn't the most PC term around, I don't think it's anywhere near as offensive as towelhead.

I live in Saskatchewan and we have a high aboriginal population. There are many groups and organizations that include the term Indian in their name, such as the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations and the Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority. I doubt they would refer to themselves as such if they were offended by the term. I have never seen a Muslim society with the term towelheads in their title.

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNeutralGrey

uncharted 2's multiplayer was unnecessary but turned out to be quite good. hopefulyl the same will be for bioshock 2's multiplayer.

and on a side note, c'mon egads, i respect how you feel for the term, but these guys didnt even mean to be racist in the first place.

June 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSune

I have friends who live in Kanehsatake in Quebec. They refer to themselves as either Mohawks or Indians. They don't see it as a racist term. One friend, Raymond, is a member of the Indian Resource Council which oversees First Nations producing gas and oil in Canada.

Why are you making a mountain of fuss over nothing?

July 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPeter Lount

While I think Uncharted 2 Multiplayer looks promising, my guess is it will end up like GTA 4s mulitplayer. What I mean by that is a lot of effort and forgotten quite quickly by most people.

I thought you might have covered Point Lookout, for me it is the strongest DLC for Fallout 3.


July 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAl

Jason has some serious problems and one too many stuffed animals!

July 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRaynor

Oh, and I don't think I'll ever meet someone who uses the term Indian or American Indian to offend a Native American. The term Indian was coined in error because Europeans believed they reached India by sailing West. (Although they also "believed" you'd fall off the face of the earth)

Using Indian or American Indian is not offensive. What IS offensive is that you would insult the Co-Op staff on their own message boards. But maybe I should watch YOUR podcast egad. I'm sure its so much better.

July 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRaynor

When Europeans reached the "new world" there wasn't a tribe of "Indians" in the whole of North or South America that had a written language or had even invented the wheel. Whether you like it or not, in the 16th and 17th centuries the world was ruled by "might makes right" and Europeans were not going to get back in their boats and go home because "people are already living here"

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMozartFX

Egad has a point, so while I appreciate the defense from our fans, don't jump all over him for having that point and wanting to express it. Indian ISN'T the best term for Native Americans, but I also agree that it isn't nearly as offensive as "Towelhead." I come from a part of the country, as well, that had a lot of reservations around and the signs all over advertised "Indian" merchandise and "Indian" food (only place in the state you could get Buffalo and Venison burgers commercially) on said reservations run by native peoples and I've personally known Indians that refer to themselves as such--but that was nearly 20 years ago. Here in San Francisco, Alcatraz island was occupied, briefly, but an uprising of Native Americans and in giant letters on the side of one of the buildings near the docks it still says "WELCOME INDIANS." So, Egad, while I agree it's not the best term, it's also, in my experience, not nearly the racist insult you make it out to be.

July 2, 2009 | Registered Commentermatt chandronait

Great show as always, loved the little narrative.

One question - I'm really tempted with Call of Juarz, but how much does the aim auto-direct to enemies? It seemed quite heavy in the videos, and I'm just concerned that it's too much help.

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterregmcfly

Hey, Man Show some Wii Love with the Conduit

July 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterShinAkumA21

Im glad you guys enjoyed Call of Juarez as much as me. This is, for the now, the best Western themed game out there. Great story, the two six shooter/rifle gunplay makes you feel like a real badass cowboy and the graphics are very impressive (apart from no AA support). This game has the best voice acting iv heard in videogames for a while too. After playing Gun with Rebel FM this was a real treat, they almost made the game i wanted Gun to be. Roll on Dead Red redemption!

July 4, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKohlstream

Does anyone know the title of the music/song used @ 6:58?


July 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSteampower

What is the next show about?

July 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMatt mythbuster

this guys are really cute :)) I need day off like this :)) my favorite thing - playing video games hihihi

July 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGabriel Celibataire

this one is for all the brave men and women who died in star trek!

may you rest in peace


spock you can suck it!
long live shattner!

Great game, but a little bit short. All in all, good story, good gameplay and a lot of fun!

October 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlan games

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