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CO-OP SPECIAL -- TGS 09 -- FF XIII, Crackdown 2, Dead Rising 2, and full game coverage of Deadspace Extraction and Scribblenauts

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Only one of us got to go to TGS this year, but thanks to returning friends an ample amount of game footage was sent back for our (and your) enjoyment. We’re sort of on vacation at the moment while we’re in-between seasons. While this special episode is longer than even our normal episodes, particularly because we have two full game segments on top of our TGS wrapup (!) it doesn’t have a narrative. Next week’s show will be shorter ‘cause we’ll still be on our break. Make sure you’re paying attention on the 20th though as that’s when Season 3 will premiere! More after the show:

Justin Haywald of 1UP fame joins our crew for both full-on game chats, the first of which is the Wii prequel to one of last-year’s best games. More than a mere “light gun” game, Ryan, JayFresh, and Justin all agree that Deadspace Extraction should sell way more units than it probably will.

Hmm, how’s this list strike you? Final Fantasy XIII, Crackdown 2, Lost Planet 2, Dead Rising 2,Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Last Guardian and some anecdotes about Project Natal on the show floor. Many thanks to David Ellis, also of 1UP for coming by and sharing his thoughts and some of his game footage with us!

Justin Haywald then hops back on with me for a talk about a game that should have been so much better than it is. Sadly, Justin and I both agree that Scribblenauts is an amazing idea harmed irrevocably by poor execution.

We’ll be back in full form October 20th but make sure to check out next week’s special as well!

Remember to help support CO-OP by making a donation at the link over in the sidebar and leave us some comments. We like ‘em.

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Reader Comments (20)

Matt, I completely agreed with the assessments of Scribblenauts. It has so much promise but falls a little short. The controls are its downfall as well as the reliance on the same stuff to beat a level.

Also, I was wondering if you guys had the game freeze while playing in the sandbox mode? It froze on me the first night that I had it more than once. I can understand it a little because it's the type of game where you have multiple elements on screen trying to do multiple things at the same time, which would cause stress on the engine. Just wondering if it's just me, though.

By the way, just watched my first episode of the old 1up Show. Insanely enjoyed it, You guys are awesomely talented, and I'm looking forward to season 3!

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLyndsey Mosley

No narrative this week? It's the reason I get out of bed on Tuesdays!! What will I do? lol J/K. I always enjoy the perspective you guys take on video games, so the episode was still appreciated. That being said I am looking really forward to season 3!!! Enjoy your break and get some rest.

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterricky

Great show guys
Area 5 is still the best web series about videogames out there!

Great reviews and tgs footage
i have scribblenauts and I think its great!
By the way, i can't seem to be able to get a brainwash gun in the game!
What should i type in?
Also, Kingdom hearts, next week, please!!!!!!!

Great show! Dugg!

@chocotacos Type in "Mind Control Device"

For Scribblenauts, I wish they would have just made a toggle button, like the shoulder buttons, to switch between affecting items and the movements of Maxwell.

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMatthew Klundt

ryan looks skinny

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterwrryyyyy

Cool episode. Crackdown 2 looks very intirguing, but I wish it was for both 360 and ps3...

October 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSune

Hey guys ok show but I have to say fcuk you for putting Final Fantasy XIII in the title and barely say anything about it. You should go that low just

so you can get more hits.

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJoe

Can you guys talk about Demons Souls??? In the next episode or so.

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMatt

Fun show all around. All those games look great! I'm a big Crackdown fan and the 2nd game seems to be going the right way, same with Dead Rising 2. I'm glad they changed the main character's design, that chin from before was ridiculously awful.

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEduardo

Crackdown 2 and Lost Planet 2 look like being must buys, anything with 4 player co-op gets my interest. Some of my best nights gaming this generation have been four player Halo 3, Firefight and Horde.

Could Last Guardian be the first game to make grown men cry, I think we know how that game is going to end :(


October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAl

Ooo yes I agree with Matt in the comments. Demon's Souls would be an awesome endeavor if you can deal with the difficulty. I have a friend who imported it a while back and I saw only bits and pieces but it looks great.

@ Area5 Congrats on the new season coming. Hope you guys are enjoying your time off which probably consists of catching up on much of the real world (that usually happens when you are surrounded by games everyday). Or who am I kidding, you guys are probably catching up on all the games you have missed while playing all the stuff you want to review. I know I would. :) Anyhow if you guys have time and want to see something stupid and funny check out my comment on last weeks show where I talked about "Geeks with Guns". Have a great week guys and thanks for your awseome show again!

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBigska

Oops I mean AWESOME! not awseome. Hmmm..... sounds like some kind of pasta.

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBigska

@Lyndsey Mosely ... Yeah, I had the game freeze several times, actually. It was one of the things I meant to mention in our chat but forgot. There's always something that I forget to mention, but that's the nature of the beast I suppose :). So yeah, it's not just you! I think the game is just flawed, unfortunately. Glad you like our old stuff, too :)

@novato ... haha, thanks man. I don't think we're going to get to Kingdom Hearts, unfortunately. We just don't have a show long enough to cover everything we want to cover!

@Matthew Klundt ... yeah, that would have solved a lot of issues. Also, I wish you could make things like teleporter entrance and exit, but I guess that would break a lot of the puzzles. I do like that the teleporter sends you to an alternate dimension/level

@Eduardo, Al, ... yeah, I think those sequels are all going to be amazing and, yes, Last Guardian is going to make everyone cry. There's just no other way for it to end, I should think, as well.

@Matt @Bigska ... no promises, but we'll look into Demon Souls.

October 7, 2009 | Registered Commentermatt chandronait

For PSP users I've created a PSP compatible version of the RSS feed at this URL: http://www.futurenotfound.com/area5psprss.xml Just type that into the browser on the PSP and it should handle it accordingly. For those interested it uses the "Small Quicktime" videos that are linked to in the articles, adding them as an enclosure.

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSean Parsons

My favorite episode since the first two episodes when you guys talked about your games of the year for last year, but WTF... You guys mention Final Fantasy in the title and dont even talk about it besides talking about long lines and that it was there. WTF is the point of putting it in the title ?

I know you guys dont like Final Fantasy as much as most, but dont put it in the title and not mention it.

October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMatt G

Yeah, if you use a PSP you should definitely check out Sean's RSS feed. Badass! Thanks Sean :)

@Matt G ... Ryan and Fresh are huge FF fans, so it had nothing to do with people not liking the game "as much as most." We tape conversations as they happen; they're not scripted so there was no malicious intent to not talk about the game. Unfortunately, the conversation just moved on too quickly and we can only edit from what was there to begin with. I think in my head when making the show titles and blog posts "Put the biggest-name games up there," for search engine reasons and I wasn't thinking about the mention being so short. Yeah, it was a mistake, but by the end of my seven-day work week I'm sort of on auto-pilot. I don't think it justifies a "WTF" rant as that implies intent-to-deceive, but then again there's no way you can know what's going on behind the scenes so I can't really be upset at your reaction in return. Please just accept that we're not trying to give FF short shrift and that the game will most certainly get its due once released.

October 8, 2009 | Registered Commentermatt chandronait

Excellent show. I didn't really miss the narrative at all. Just a good show about gaming. That'll do just fine :).

October 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRC-1290'Dreadnought'

Are you guys doing anything different with the MP4 version? Macro-blocking was BAD this week.

October 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLucas Lichte

@matt c - You never did tell me if it worked for you! :P

October 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSean Parsons

Thanks for another great show. Crackdown 2 looks super fun. Any idea if they'll be doing some kind of recording feature for all the open playground elements? Something like Skate or Halo 3...

October 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTim

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