CO-OP 0209 -- The Jason Show -- HALO 3: ODST Multiplayer Maps, Harbor Master, Facebook Gaming
It takes a lot of brainstorming to come up with our weekly narratives and some ideas are better than others. Well, just about every idea is better than any Jason seems to have. I guess he finally got fed up with the rejection. More after the show:
The new multiplayer maps coming in HALO 3: ODST was the topic of a Bungie-hosted multiplayer event to which our beloved JayFresh and our slightly-less-beloved Rob got to attend; much to the jealous chagrin of the rest of the Area 5 team. They returned, however, with exclusive footage (‘cause it’s actually of Rob playing, not that other people don’t have footage) of them having a pretty damned good time.
It’s crazy to think of the iPhone is generating new genres in gaming, but that’s exactly what’s happening thanks to the nature of the device. “Line Drawing” games are now a “thing” and Harbor Master is that genre’s latest and greatest incarnation. Rob, Jason, and Cesar each fret over the intricate strategies of getting their little virtual boats to and from port safely.
And perhaps not quite an emerging genre so much as a force of nature, Facebook’s gaming scene is rapidly approaching mythical status if one looks at the numbers alone. We give a quick rundown of the biggest and best of Facebook’s gaming offerings, and while we know we’ve barely scratched the surface of what there is to offer, we luckily had Gareth Davis, Facebook’s Platform Manager on hand to chat with Matt about what makes Facebook such an attractive platform for game developers and publishers.